Policy: Multiple Birth Families

Multiple Birth Families Policy 

At Hatching Dragons we aim to ensure that all families are included and supported fully, no matter how big or small. There are more and more multiple births occurring in the UK, twins, triplets and even more. As a nursery we accommodate all families and work together with parents to ensure all children are treated as individuals and supported to make the best progress they can.

Twins, triplets and other multiple birth children will have unique relationships with their sibling, different to any other relationship in the nursery so we will take this into consideration with all aspects of care and early learning.

To this end we will:

  • Acknowledge multiple birth relationship as special and to be celebrated as well as enabling children to develop as individuals
  • Explore each child’s preferences, interests, needs and starting point
  • Complete separate forms for each child to discover their routines (where age appropriate), specific requirements, dietary needs etc.
  • Recognise each child and call them by name. Differences will be recognised and tuned into to enable each child to be seen as an individual
  • Recognise and celebrate all individual achievements
  • Report back on each child separately at the end of the day to the parents
  • Consider separation if this is beneficial for their development. Parents, and where appropriate the children, will be involved in the decision for when, where and how this may occur (e.g. focused activities, outdoor play)
  • Arrange parental consultations for each child. Each child will be compared against typical developmental benchmarks not compared to their sibling. Each child will receive the same time during the consultation as any other child in the setting
  • Not expect each child to behave in the same manner, excel in the same areas or enjoy the same activities. If one child is not achieving at the expected rate then we would investigate the reasons why
  • Ensure all staff are able to identify each child and know their name.